Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Sixth Secret - The Law of Detachment

The 7 Secrets of the Universal Law
The Sixth Secret - The Law of Detachment

The Law of Detachment says “in order to acquire anything in this physical world, you have to abandon your attachment to it.”

This does not mean that you have to create by default or that you should not desire or intend for what you want to create. Remember, “meant-to-be” and “luck” do not exist. We need to work with the Law of Attraction to create what we desire. This again means that the Law of Detachment works in harmony with the other laws, including the Law of Attraction.

It is all about trust. When we are in a state of detachment, we trust. To be detached from the outcome of a result means that you have learned to trust.

What is trust?
TRUST - To Rely Unto Spirit Totally

When you know that Spirit will give you what you need - not necessarily what you want (that's Ego's job) - then you will learn to do the work that is required to be done and move on. The results will take care of themselves. The timing of how things manifest will come at the perfect time. When we trust, the Universe knows what that perfect timing is, it happens even faster because we get out of the way.

If you stand in the way of the energy creating the outcome or result, through your lack of trust, insecurity and fearfulness, you put a barrier in the way of blocking the efficiency of that flow of energy (resistance).

Detachment is another way of saying allowing. It is when you combine your intentions and detach from the outcomes that your desires will manifest.

This is not to say that you should not make goals and take the action steps in achieving those goals. The Law of Deliberate Creation, the power of intention, and the Law of Detachment all work together to create your desires. Applying the Law of Detachment to your goals and desires allows you to be flexible and trust when the Universe delivers you something for which you are a vibrational match to, but you didn’t expect.

Detachment allows you to stay open to allow the Universe to bring you something even better than you thought possible.

“Attachment is the beginning of sorrow.
Detachment is the beginning of joy.”

T.Joseph Lee
http://www.eValueBook.com/ Save the Trees

Saturday, October 18, 2008

FREE NEW Think And Grow Rich MasterMind Training Revealed!

I have got some great news today...

I just discovered how you can learn The NEW Think and Grow Rich through a FREE MasterMind Training Program and earn thousands in the process!

When You Join Our Live NEW Think And Grow Rich MasterMind Training ($297 Value) We'll Reveal To You:

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  • How to empower your goals and visualizations so they literally drive you to success!
  • How a simple re-orientation of your daily thinking process can triple your income Inside of four months!
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This is going to be huge!

Take a look here:

To Your Success,
P.S. Did I mention you can check this all out for FREE for 30 days?

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Fifth Secret - The Law of Pure Potentiality

The 7 Secrets of the Universal Law
The Fifth Secret - The Law of Pure Potentiality
The basis of this law is to first understand the fact that the true essence of who we are is pure awareness. All creation comes from pure consciousness, or pure potentiality, in search of expressing itself into form.

When we realise that our inner being, the Spirit that bring our minds and bodies to life is of pure potentiality, we are then in synchronisation with the power that manifests everything in the Universe. Thus anything is possible and there is limitless creativity. Impossible is nothing!

As we learned in the Fourth Secrets (Law of Sufficiency and Abundance), the Universe sees no limits. The potential of the Universe and everything in it is limitless. The only limits are the ones we inflict through our own fears, uncertainty, doubts, lack of confidence, lack of faith, or any other lower level emotions…

If you feel limits in your life, your ego will feel fear and you won’t feel freedom. What will happen to you when your desired objects disappear? How would you feel when you have all the money you want, but suddenly it is all gone?

Your freedom is hence conditional.

If in your love, in your faith, you know that you are part of the Universe, that The Universe will provide all your needs when you need them, then you are unrestricted in your potential. When you are in alignment with pure potentiality, there is no fear. You are then truly free!

If you know and develop a connection with the Source, and act "As If" you were part of Source, you will be in touch with pure potentiality, having the power to create what you want unlimitedly. When you allow yourself to be silent to just be (as in meditation), you develop the relationship with the Source, with your pure potentiality.

When we commune with nature and witness the intelligence within every living organism, we are connecting to pure potentiality.

How do you feel when you sit and watch the sunset, or listen to the waves of the ocean crashing up against the shore, or smell the beautiful scent of the flower? Pure potentiality created all these things, and so much more…

Do you know what is the opposite of “Fear”? It is “Love”. You are unlimited, know only love, there is no need to fear, know that you are part of Pure Potentiality. Anything is possible, because nothing is impossible. When you are in alignment with the Law of Pure Potentiality, you feel centered and at peace.


Monday, June 30, 2008

The Fourth Secret - The Law of Sufficiency and Abundance

The 7 Secrets of the Universal Law
The Fourth Secret - The Law of Sufficiency and Abundance

Almost everyone doesn’t realize that we indeed have everything within us right now to make our life a living dream. I never know this secret…

In actual fact, we dwell in a place of abundance, although the majority of us have learned to view it as a universe of scarcity.

There is always boundless supply of every good and wonderful thing, and experience. There is always enough for everyone! We have bought into a tall tale that there is not enough. This lie is the lie of scarcity and limitation.

The truth is we are completely abundant and are able to create whatever we desire. The truth is that we live in a world where, spiritually and energetically talking, there is an unlimited supply of goods. We were given life that has access to the power that we need in order to create the life in the way that we choose. And we are not hindered or cheated out of your “portion” of prosperity if someone else achieves or acquires more success than us.

Beliefs that are based in “lack“ affect our ability to exhibit our desires and mentality controls us by keeping us longing for what others have, or fighting to be better than others.

Most of us feel that who we are, what we have, and what we are doing is not enough. That is a big lie. We learned about the Law of Attraction. If we feel that nothing is ever enough, that is what we will be attracting into our life! If we feel we are not enough, we are just right! If we feel what we have is not enough, you will continue to receive “not enough”, for the rest of our life…unless we choose not to.

So when is it going to be enough?
When are we going to feel satisfied?
Is it when we lose the 10 pounds?
When we finally have a million dollars in the bank?
When we finally have our ideal relationship?
How do we know what will be enough?

If we are always looking outside of you, at circumstances and situations to become more than we are, we are not in the “now” and appreciating what we have. If we continue to chase things outside of us in order for us to feel that we are enough, we will never feel truly satisfied. There is always more to attain and do. When we come from a place of feeling that everything in our life right now is sufficient, we will then know great peace. When we can feel appreciation for what we currently have in our life, while at the same time feeling excited for all the things we desire to manifest, we will know complete joy.

We need to align our thoughts and emotions right now with abundance, to feel that we are enough, to feel that we are worthy, to feel that we have everything that we need right now inside of us to build a fortune and to reach our goals. We have all we need inside of us to create our ideal job. We have everything inside of us to attract our ideal mate. We always have enough! We previously just don’t know how to accept these…but not now.

So how can we start applying this law right now?
BE satisfied now. Be in the “BEING” state. This is critical. Don’t wait to be satisfied only you achieve something.

Put your hand over your heart and say to yourself, “I am satisfied with what I have. My love, happiness, and security are coming to me from within, from the creator, as my source, and supply.” The key thing is that your must REALLY FEEL it – as if you are there already!

Start with where you are and what you have right now. Set your goals, see yourself already there, and be determined to succeed in reaching your goals, no matter what it takes.

Manifestation happens when we can be in a place of feeling at peace with where we are, while being excited about the possibilities ahead. That is why it’s so important to learn about all the Laws, not just the Law of Attraction.

http://www.eValueBook.com/ Save the Trees

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Third Secret - The Law of Allowing

The 7 Secrets of the Universal Law
The Third Secret - The Law of Allowing

This can be the easiest law because the principle simply requires you to have the
“least action and no resistance”.

Everything You Want In Life Is Yours
It's Already Been Given To You
All You Have To Do Is Receive It!
(Based on Abraham-Hicks Law of Allowing)

Applying the Law of Allowing will bring absolute freedom in your life. You will feel free in your career to do what you want. You will feel free in your relationships to be who you are. And you will feel free in your life to craft whatever you dream of.

There are two ways to employ this law:
(1) Allowing others to be as they are
(2) Allowing (receiving) from the Universe to deliver all that we desire

Let’s first look at allowing others to be as they are. We simply have to get this right: “I am that which I am. While I am that which I am, I allow others to be that which they are.”

We have to remember this: No two people in this world are the same, even though we share many similar personas. As a matter of fact, each of us is simply unique. If you can accept this fact and not just endure another person’s difference or similarities, then you have grasped the Law of Allowing.

If you are out of connection with the Law of Allowing, you will believe that another person needs to think, feel, believe and act according to how you think they “should be”. This so-called Perfect Picture of others can cause great suffering in your life and your relationships. This is just the reverse of accepting others as they are. If you have a deep rooted fear that unless everyone thinks, feels, believes and acts in a certain way (“your way”), and that they are somehow “wrong”, you then judge.

Such judgment is a lower level emotion and based on the Law of Attraction, you will attract more negative people and circumstances to you. If you need to make everyone conform in order to feel good about yourself and your world, you will never feel freedom. This is the exact opposite of freedom. We can never get the rest of the whole world to act the way we think they “should be”. Probably that is why wars start.

Here is an illustration. If you see someone who talks with their mouth full of food, and instead of allowing them to eat the way they are, you find yourself getting disgusted and troubled with that person’s behavior. You become insistent that person to change, or stop doing the particular behavior (talking with their mouth full of food). You are anxious that you will look badly as well. So, instead of just allowing that person to be as they are, you take it personally and let it influence your mood, and in due course robbing you of your freedom!

The Law of Allowing is one of the laws that govern our Universe. These laws are eternal and universal, which means they are everywhere whether you know they are or not. They exist whether you recognize they exist or not. They shape your life, whether you know that they do, or not!

When we desire something to manifest from the Universe, and we are feeling negative emotions, we are blocking that creation from coming into appearance. It is our negative emotions that holds us a part from it. When we release our resistance, we are back in the state of allowing and all the abundance, freedom, joy, success, prosperity, wealth, happiness (you name it) can flow to us.

We have to recognize that all the 7 Universal Laws work collectively and it is premeditated that manner. To learn only one law is a good start, but to know and apply all of them will give you the life of your dream, if you allow it.

So, now If there is an opportunity that comes your way, will you allow it to be materialised or will you just focus on the threat & risk and disallowing it to move another single step?

Think about it …

http://www.evaluebook.com/ http://www.evaluebook.blogspot.com/ http://tinyurl.com/43xbtp/

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Accerate Your Learning Time

I went to the Singapore national library couple of days back and I was there in search of a method to accelerate my learning time. I was thinking how I can achieve more and yet with less time spent. Obviously, we all know that in order to pick up new skills, we need to learn the theoretical knowledge so that we feel secured, though not 100% feeling sure of success, to administer something in the physical reality rather than simply safe-keeping the knowledge we acquired in dungeons - never got the chance to see light.

In Singapore, we studied easily 18 years (2 years kindergarten, 6 years primary school, 4-5 years secondary school, 2-3 years in college or technical/engineering/business institute, 3-4 years in tertiary) before we start to make a living and make some contributions back to the society. So, since the education process is so important and lengthy (more than 22% of our living years spent in education, presuming we stay healthy to receive education till 80 years old), did we look into ways to shorten it without sacrificing the enjoyment and quality of life? Therefore to me, since I learn new things from books, reading mustn't be a chore but an enlightening event to be relished. This strived me in search for "Speed Reading" - the quest to increase the rates of reading yet without reducing the comprehension and retention.

Isn't that a great skill to acquire? Imagine now that you only read 15 books a year, because we always give the excuse that time is not enough. But how about doubling and reading 30 books a year? Great or great? I feel regretful to have not learned this method decade ago. I will tell you why later ...

So with proper training & practice in speed reading, we can usually double or triple our reading speed! There are even computer programs and software available that instruct students in speed reading programs to increase productivity. Eventually, I picked up a book from Tony Buzzan, titled "Use Your Head". I only zoomed down to the section on "Reading Faster and More Efficiently". There, I discovered things like reading problems, why such problems exist, eye movements, advantages of faster reading, false beliefs about reading, advanced reading techniques, practice and training. Whole lots of good stuffs and guess what, I noticed that I can easily read at least 20% or faster than ever before! Yet, I have only spent 20 minutes reading those knowledge & skills that I have just mentioned.

I simply belief this "truth" again -
The Knowledge of Tools. With little training on newly learned tool or skill, I can have 20% increased in reading rate. So, what if I am equipped with even more powerful tools or techniques? Results will surely soar! And of course we mustn't forget about being persistence and have sufficient practices.

Want a "Reading Test"?
Try this out to see where you stand. Just enjoy and have fun.

Live the life you want ...

T. Joseph Lee


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Second Secret - The Law of Deliberate Creation

The 7 Secrets of the Universal Law
The Second Secret - The Law of Deliberate Creation

We must really learn, understand and most importantly, to implement this second law if we want to see real results.

The Law of Deliberate Creation: That which I give thought to, I begin to attract. What I give thought to with emotion, I attract more quickly.

That which you think about, you get. When you give thought to something you desire with an expectation or believe in it, you are then in the position to receive it.

So, how is this different from the Law of Attraction?

The dissimilarity between the Law of Attraction and the Law of Deliberate Creation is that, the Law of Attraction is like a boomerang, whatsoever we give out with our energy vibrations (thoughts, feelings, etc) we will get back to us. The Law of Deliberate Creation is offering a vibration knowingly, so that you don’t create by default. Most of the time, except when you are aware of these laws, you are offering a vibration unknowingly.

Take for example when you are seeing something that makes you happy, you are raising your vibration and you will then vibrate happiness. On the other hand, if you observe something that makes you angry, you will present that same negative vibration. The Law of Attraction responds to whatever you are vibrating by giving you more of the same.

So when you don’t apply the Law of Deliberate Creation, you are an observer. You focus on your current reality and you have a vibration (either positive or negative). The Law of Attraction then responds to that vibration and you receive more of the same.

Let’s say that you are in debt. You observe this “reality” and while observing that you don’t have enough money to pay your bills, you unconsciously offer a vibration that is negative (fear, worry, doubt, etc). The Law of Attraction responds to that negative, “I am in debt” vibration and as a result, the Law of Attraction brings you more of what you are vibrating (I am in debt) and feeds the cycle.

See, the Law of Attraction can work for you and against you. It is very important that you fully understand the Law of Deliberate Creation and you are aware of how all of these laws work together and affect each other.

That’s for now…


The First Secret - The Law of Attraction